12 && $j > 12){ $j = 1; $y++; } $img[$i] = ''; /*if($j == date("n") && $y == date("Y")){ $img[$i] = ''; }*/ $j++; } //
  • $image = ''; foreach($img as $val){ $image .= '
  • '.$val.'
  • '."\n"; } /*$navi = ''."\n" .$image. '
    ';*/ $list_y = date("Y"); $list_m = date("n"); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET"){ if(isset($_GET['y']) && isset($_GET['m'])){ $image = ""; $on_y = $_GET['y']; $on_m = $_GET['m']; $y = date("Y"); $st = date("n"); $en = $st+12; $j = $st; for($i = $st;$i <= $en;$i++){ if($i > 12 && $j > 12){ $j = 1; $y++;} $img[$i] = ''; /*if($j == $on_m && $y == $on_y){ $img[$i] = ''; }*/ $j++; } foreach($img as $val){ $image .= '
  • '.$val.'
  • '."\n"; } /*$navi = ''."\n" .$image. '
    ';*/ $list_y = $on_y; $list_m = $on_m; } } $last_d = date("d",mktime(0,0,0,$list_m+1,0,$list_y)); $now = date("Y").sprintf("%02d",date("m")).sprintf("%02d",date("d")); $data = ''; for($d = 1;$d <= $last_d;$d++){ $plc = ""; $h = ""; $cont = ""; $gr = ""; $w = date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$list_m,$d,$list_y)); $bg = 'day'; $base_bg = "#FFFFFF"; $to_day = date($list_y).sprintf("%02d",$list_m).sprintf("%02d",$d); if($w == 0){ $bg = 'sun'; }elseif($w == 6){ $bg = 'sut'; } $rbg = $to_day < $now ? ' style="background-color:#f1f1f1;"':''; $w = w_output($w); $sql = "SELECT * FROM monthly WHERE year=$list_y AND month=$list_m AND day=$d ORDER BY ddate ASC"; $mysql -> query($sql); if($mysql -> rows() > 0){ $row = $mysql -> fetch(); $plc = $row['place']; $h = $row['hour']; $cont = $row['cont']; $gr = $row['gr']; if(strlen($plc) == 0 || $plc == "-"){ $plc = " "; } if(strlen($h) == 0 || $h == "-"){ $h = " "; } if(strlen($cont) == 0 || $cont == "-"){ $cont = " "; } if(strlen($gr) == 0 || $gr == "-"){ $gr = " "; } }else{ $plc = " "; $h = " "; $cont = " "; } if(substr_count($gr,"
    ") > 0 || substr_count($h,"
    ") > 0 || substr_count($cont,"
    ") > 0 || substr_count($plc,"
    ") > 0){ $valign = "top"; }else{ $valign = "middle"; } $h_row = max(substr_count($gr,"
    ")); //echo $h_row; if($h_row > 0){ $h_array = explode("
    ",$h); $gr_array = explode("
    ",$gr); $h = array(); for($i = 0;$i <= $h_row;$i++){ if(!isset($gr_array[$i]) || strlen(str_replace(' ','',$gr_array[$i])) == 0){ $gr_array[$i] = ""; } if(!isset($h_array[$i]) || strlen(str_replace(' ','',$h_array[$i])) == 0){ $h_array[$i] = ""; } if(strlen($gr_array[$i]) == 0 && strlen($h_array[$i]) == 0){ continue; } $h[$i] = $gr_array[$i].(strlen(str_replace(' ','',$gr_array[$i])) > 0 && strlen(str_replace(' ','',$h_array[$i])) > 0 ? ' : ':'').$h_array[$i]; } $h = join('
    ',$h); }else{ $h = $h; } // echo $h;exit; $data .= ''.$w.' '.$plc.' '.$h.' '.$cont.' '; } $data .= '
    日程 曜日 場所 時間 練習内容
    '; $h = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM monthly WHERE year=$list_y AND month=$list_m"; $mysql -> query($sql); if($mysql -> rows() == 0){ $data = "


    "; } ?> 月間スケジュール --- 同志社ラグビー部 公式ホームページ

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